LUCIANBehind the wheel of a family business

Ana Inés Lucián's transport company was under threat during the pandemic. Now the Uruguayan family business founded by her mother has made a huge growth leap, driving workers to the UPM Paso de los Toros pulp mill 365 days a year.Ana Inés Lucián, coordinates bus journeys from her hometown of Durazno, Uruguay. The transport company's 17 drivers take tourists, business travellers and workers to their destinations every day of the year along Uruguay's busy highways.

MIAAKKKAAOpen feedback builds strong partnerships

UPM Pulp’s regular customer surveys provide valuable input for the continuous development of products and services and in ensuring customer satisfaction.Through customer surveys, UPM Pulp is able to deepen its knowledge of customer attitudes, thoughts and perceptions. Surveys have provided valuable insights to help further improve the company’s standards of excellence and offer a tool for continuous development that brings an external customer dimension to performance management.

UMPM2UPM Paso de los Toros off to a great start

The Paso de los Toros pulp mill is up and running in Uruguay – eventually boosting UPM’s current pulp capacity by more than 50%. General Manager Marko Sundqvist reports that the first months of the mill in action have proceeded according to plan.“We are moving towards reaching nominal capacity by the end of the year and then likely even pushing beyond it,” says Marko Sundqvist. The first pulp deliveries to customers were delivered in May.

CAMBEREAThe Pulp Express

The rebuilt and improved railroad connecting UPM’s Paso de los Toros pulp mill to the port terminal in Montevideo will create an efficient supply chain to world markets.Rebuilding the railroad leading from Paso de los Toros to the capital is one of the most significant infrastructure projects in the history of Uruguay.

canal panamaCanal de Panamá reducirá cruces de barcos a medida que empeora la sequía

La medida afectará una ruta importante para el comercio mundial.El número de barcos que pueden cruzar el Canal de Panamá cada día se reducirá drásticamente en los próximos meses a medida que el cambio climático sacude cada vez más el comercio mundial.Más del 3 por ciento del comercio mundial pasa por el canal de casi 110 años de antigüedad, que depende del agua dulce para operar sus esclusas. El canal actualmente está experimentando una de las peores sequías de su historia.

UPM publishes updatedUPM publishes updated Green Finance Framework

UPM has today published an updated Green Finance Framework reflecting its Biofore strategy and integrating the most recent market practices and standards. UPM published its first Green Financing Framework in 2020 and has since issued three Green Bonds totalling to EUR 1,750 million.

tránsito por el Canal de PanamáEFECTO COLATERAL

La sequía producto del cambio climático obliga a reducir el tránsito por el Canal de Panamá

Cada buque requiere el uso de 200 millones de litros de agua dulce. La cuenca hídrica registra una severa sequía que también impacta en el suministro del recurso a la población.Las autoridades que administra el Canal de Panamá, punto focal de del transporte asociado al 6% del comercio mundial, anunciaron que reducirán a partir del viernes próximo el número de buques que lo transitan diariamente para ahorrar agua dulce debido a la severa sequía que afecta a la cuenca hídrica que lo alimenta.