Forests with different-aged trees is an exception
Heinäveden Koneurakointi has 50 years of experience of forest work. The company carries out felling mainly for the customers of Metsä Group. According to Pasi Mikkonen, he has never encountered a forest where continuous culture is practised. Arto Kaipainen, a forest expert at Stora Enso Metsä, agrees with Mr Mikkonen. They have only received one tender on exploitation felling. Mr Kaipainen says that the wood buyer carries out the felling based on the model agreed with the forest owner. The price paid for wood gained in exploitation felling is not the same as in clear felling, he adds. In practise, often part of the work is carried out as exploitation felling due to landscape reasons.
El bosque con árboles de diferentes edades es una excepción (revista Heinäveden) resumen: 50 años de experiencia en el trabajo forestal. La empresa realiza tala principalmente para los clientes del grupo forestal. según Pasi Mikkonen, nunca se ha encontrado con un bosque. Arto Kaipainen, un experto forestal en el bosque de stora Enso, está de acuerdo con el Sr. Mikkonen. Tienen una sola oferta de explotación. La señora señora dice que el leñador es el dueño de la tala. el agrega En la práctica, por motivos paisajísticos.
Heinaveden lehti - FINLANDIA - 24 enero 2019Heinaveden lehti - FINLANDIA - 24 enero 2019